Thursday, December 18, 2014

O Tannenbaum! O Tannenbaum!

Yesterday in my German lesson I learned exactly how kids in Germany celebrate Christmas.

In Northern Germany St Nick comes to the kids. In Southern Germany the Christ child comes. The christ child is basically Jesus. And instead of hanging up their stocking, the kids set out a plate. And on the plate, where ever they live, goodies will go. So, the plate will be filled with toys and homemade cookies. In Europe they open presents on the 24.

For Advent, instead of 5 candles they only have four. Every Sunday, in December , the families light their candles then gather around to sing Christmas carols. One of the songs is "O Tannenbaum".

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Great Wall of Portugal

I glanced up the winding path. The sun glinted off of my sun glasses. We were so close to the top of the mountain… where the proud, ancient Moorish Castle stood. I could feel the sweat on my fore head. It could get so hot in Portugal. Especially when you are climbing up a steep mountain path to reach a hundred year old castle wall. My dad paused with his brisk walking, as did I. We were more athletic than the rest of our family, so jumped ahead. I peered over the edge of the path. That's steep! And some prickly bushes to go with it. I definitely would not want to take a tumble down the cliff.

"I wouldn't too close to the edge." said my dad, warning me.

"I won't. I'm not that stupid. I wanted to see the rest of our group."

I scoured the path below me. Then I noticed a pink dot a bit farther down. That must be Maja, my sister! We continued our trek up the hill. When what seemed like hours passed, we reached the edge of the Moorish Castle, nick named "the Great Wall of Portugal". Minutes later the rest of my family arrived. Head count. All six of us: Mom, Dad, Maja, Grandparents and myself!

As we made our way to the walls, I stayed at the front of our group. I wanted to take everything in. Just imagine living here thousands of years ago! Taking refuge during raids! Scary, yet cool. Then I noticed it: at a point along the towering gray-brown wall there was a stair case leading to the top.

"Look you guys! Let's go! This will be a great time to get some pictures!" I exclaimed.

We stomped our way up. And right when I reached the main path on the top of the wall a fresh gust of sea wind blew into my face. Ah. This was the life! I could see the altitude around me. Small fisherman's villages dotted the hillside and the circular wall stretched around. "Let's get moving." 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Secret World of Amore

There once was a land called Amora. It was like Narnia crossed with Wonderland. There was much good and happy magic. Yet there were the dark and sinister, with evil spells, ready to concoct at any moment. There were six groups in Amora:

  • The Ptísi (Those who were flyers and loved the sky and wind)
  • The Thànatos (The evil, bad guys, who played with sinister magic)
  • The Kolympi (Those who could swim and responded to water)
  • The Kípo (Those who cared about nature and plants)
  • The Fotiá (Those who were associated with fire)
  • The Gi (Those who were close to the earth)

Monday, December 15, 2014

Guitar, Guitar, and more Guitar

The strumming of the strings, so calming. The holding of the notes, so melodic. The ringing of the song, so beautiful. I was practicing my song on my guitar. Holding the frets, so painful. Oh, I messed up! So frustrating. It has only been ten minutes. I have to practice for at least an hour per week! I enjoy practicing guitar. I enjoy listening to the music. I like making progress. I love music, too! I closed my eyes in deep thought. I think I have practiced enough for today. After all, this isn't my last day to play guitar.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Would you Rather?!

Would you rather be a forest or a street?
I would rather be a forest, because first of all I would be my absolute favorite thing: nature. I would hold so much life in me! Provide homes for all animals and oxygen, too. But, streets ruin forest! They are like the scars from a knife. On the other hand nature fights back: potholes in the road! I would want to be a giver a life more more than a destroyer. Even though streets allow us to drive, forests allow us to see nature. The natural land that we are killing! Maybe ben one more forest could save everything?

Would you rather be a hammer or nail?
I would rather be a hammer because I would be stronger and be able to build up houses and not get "hurt" like a nail does. But the nail is what holds things together. And if hammers are used incorrectly can't they hurt someone? Yes they can! I could also be used as self defense.

Would you rather you rather be the Sun or rain?
I would rather be rain, because rain gives life to many, many parts of the world. In a lot of places rain is thought of as horrible and the Sun is better! But, rain can also be quiet, gentle and pleasing. If I were rain I would change its reputation. After all how many songs are named after the Sun?!

Would you rather be yourself or someone else?
I would rather be myself. Because no one can be like me. And no one would ever be able to replace this fabulous person (me).

Friday, December 12, 2014

Unscrable (Grammer 12-12-14)

The Eagle of the Night
But even as that thought touched his mind
his mind
he knew
that for him
to drift home
and without any stake in the
that had bred him

5a) I saw/ a gray-green slimy thing/ like a snail/ without its shell,/ only bigger,/ the size of the rat.

The Witch of Blackbird Pond
b) The idea/ of cutting and sewing a dress/ by herself/ was novel and exciting.
Book to read:

  • Bridge to Terabithia
  • The Witch of Blackbird Pnd
  • The Eagle of the Night
  • The Animorphs

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Hawks not in the Hills

I was walking out of the car of to my front steps. The usual day. I kicked at the same old dirt on the path. I looked at the same drabness of the leafless trees. Nothing special. But, I still had a good day at school. As I neared our front door my sister opened the same door, "Come on!" she said. I stepped into the house and slung my back pack down in the same spot. Right when I kicked my shoes off… my eyes focused on a brown figure in the trees. It was not a squirrel and definitely not my imagination. Now this was something different! I hastily put my shoes on. And I crept up to the figure that was in our little maple tree. It was a hawk! And because I did Wildlife Safari last year in Science Olympiad, I knew that this bird of prey was a Cooper's Hawk. It's head swiveled around like it was hungry. I rushed into my house to grab my binoculars. For what seemed like hours I looked at the hawk. I figure: This hawk surely does not see the same things every day. Especially since it isn't in the hills! I bet it got tired of seeing the same hill every day!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Here are my favorite things, the top three.

1.  Sushi
2.  Lentil Soup
3.  Watermelon

1.  Strawberry Smoothie
2.  Lemonade
3.  Soy Milk

1.  Jennifer Lawrence
2.  Angelina Jolie
3.  Kaya Scodelario

1. Horse
2. Sea Turtle
3. Dolphin
4. Cheetah
5. Bird of Paradise

1.  Blue
2.  Green
3.  Purple

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Christmas is Coming

Christmas Haiku:
Merry Christmas dear
Oh, the mistletoe and cheer
You better be good!

Christmas Twaiku:
Yes, the holidays are here
Happiness and love
'Tis the time to be merry!

Winter Haiku:
The snowflakes fall down
Jack Frost nippin' at your nose
The whiteness has come!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Bear Star Search

Based on a true story, my experience.

Here is Rose. She is on a camping trip with her four friends.  The five girls are in Yellowstone Park. It is night time, stars fill the sky, crickets chirp, the wolves howl while they huddle in their tent. The air is very thin which makes trekking with a heavy back pack hard, so this is their time to rest. But, here is the clearest sky Rose has ever seen. In New York- where she lives, there is a lot of light pollution. So, while on this camping trip Rose is taking the opportunity to look at the constellations. Sitting by the campfire, Rose and her friends have an idea: take a dip in the Snake River. It definitely wasn't the smartest idea but Rose wanted to go at night so that she could see the stars… one more time. So the young campers set off with there flashlights in hand. The only sounds were the noises of the sleeping forest, the nocturnal creatures, and their foot steps. But what the kids didn't see was a shadowy figure behind them. The girls continued down to the river. The shadowy figure was curiously nearing them. They reached the river and all hopped in with a splash. "What was that?" Rose said. They glanced around. The shadowy figure emerged… A bear! It was foraging on berries and had likely noticed the girls in the water. Rose wanted to run but there would be no point in doing so because you would get short of breath. But, the kids remembered that one way to stand up to a bear: was to make yourself look taller and less vulnerable. So what they did being young and athletic with a background of gymnastics… they quickly and quietly formed a human pyramid. Three at the bottom, two in the middle and Rose on top. They did it on higher ground and didn't look the bear in the eye. The terrifying bear stared at the pyramid and appeared perplexed. And then it turned around without any threats, and slowly vanished into the bushes, never to be seen again. The children remained in the pyramid for another minute. Then strength and function returned. They gingerly dismantled themselves. And silently crept back to their tent under the full moon. And they wondered if anybody would ever believe that story? Never take a selfie with a bear.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Nasty Surprise On Your Feet

Oh, the relaxing bubbles of a hut tub. Our villa on Portugal's coast had the best view of the sunset. SPLASH! That was the sign that my sister - Maja, made it into the steaming waters.

"Ah. It's so warm." She said. The pleasure lit up her face.

The orange sky made this summer night in Europe… perfect. My mom said that she was going to go into the hot tub tonight with us. Finally! As my sister and I were swimming around I bumped into my mom. 

"Hi!" I exclaimed.

"Whew! It is so warm… and relaxing." she said.

"I have an idea I will give you and Maja foot massages!" I said.

I dove down to Maja's feet. The were soft like a babies. Her foot wiggled, like I was tickling her. I resurfaced for air then dove down to my mom's feet. I expected smooth feet from lotion and soap but instead I felt something slimy and sticky; but nothing was there! So, I swam back up.

"Mommy, there is something slimy and gross on your foot! What is it!"

She looked surprised, "It's probably sunscreen!"

I laughed at that. We spent the rest of hour evening in the hot tub, marveling at the beauty of the ocean. As the sun slipped past the horizon we went inside. Nothing unusual… yet. The three of us walked into the bathroom on the first floor to brush out our tangled hair. I kicked of my flip-flips then vigorously started brushing and combing my blonde hair. Suddenly my mom was screaming at the top of her lungs. That never happened before! Then my sister started screaming and jumped onto the table. My mom was hopping up and down like she had seen a rat. Then I started screaming from the unrest. A chorus of yelling arose from our bathroom, "Ahhhhhh! Eeeeek! Ahhhh!" Then I looked down right by my feet there was a big, fat, juicy, slimy slug! I screamed even harder! It looked like a leopard's pelt and was as big as my own foot. I realized in that moment, that slug was in my mom's sandals!

Our chorus died off. Then we all started laughing.

"Really Mommy! Sunscreen!"

"It's a slug Mommy! I think it's sort of cute now!"

"I couldn't help it Ania, it was under my foot the whole time!"

Then my dad rushed in with a plate, I carried the poor, poor slug outside.  The moral of the story is: Don't think your sandals are slimy from sunscreen at midnight! And also look into your shoe before you step into it. LOL

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Locked (Chapter 3)

By the way, if you are confused with the plot in the story… just read chapters 1 and 2. They are in my previous posts.

Chapter 3 - A New Troop

I was now racing through the forest, they were trying to catch up to me. "Whooaaa-heeee! Kakaka!" The whoops and hollers from behind were getting louder. I didn't want to become one of the living dead.

Nico started to slow down, "I think we lost them back there."

"I think you're right." I said, with sort of too much sarcasm than I had intended.

I doubled over to compose myself. My vision had become a blur with exhaustion. The only noise around me was the now distant yells and chirping of birds- if there are any birds left! This part of the forest looked like a starry night sky, the forest floor was covered in sunlight dapples. It is very different compared to our previous sullen forest.

"Okay you guys," Tristan started, "So… according to my calculations we will be at the new forest in about two days.

I was confused, "What do you mean 'new forest', is there actually a fence saying 'new forest'."

Gabbi chipped in, "Actually there is supposed to be some type of fence," she paused. A look of terror spread across her face. "We have to go now. Then find a bush to hide under.

A knot spread in my stomach. The hollering group is coming closer! I slung my bag over my shoulder and started walking. Fast. Our little band of four walked silently through the dapple forest. Every time one of us stepped on a twig we all cringed.

"They. Are. Coming. Hide!" Nico whispered. He made sure to enunciate each syllable.

I got on my hands and knees- I knew the "duck and hide" drill, it's not the first time we have done it. I rolled onto my back and got under the thickest bush. Unfortunately it was prickly. The needles closed in around me, a protective cocoon. And it was sort of awkward because Nico chose the same bush and he was laying to close to me for my comfort.

"Tess…" he whispered.


"Give me a knife… please."

"Sure," I pulled out a hunter's knife, its blade still shone with metal that hadn't been dirtied with blood.


"Now shut up!" I whispered angrily.

"Grrr-r-r-r-r-rrr. Did I sss-ssscare yooooouuuu ch-chillllldren-n-n-?" the sick man that was chasing us fell into an insane bout of laughter.

"They found us-" I slapped my hand over Nico's mouth before he could finish.

The sick man started again, "Di-did you r-r-r-eall-l-l-lllly think-k weeee-eeee would let y-yyou ge-t-t-t-t- away? My-eeee friendssss h-he-heard-d you! You! You! All of you!" More laughter, this time from more than one person. I held my breath. I looked up through the top of the bush. I could see Sick Man's knife glinting in the dapple sunlight. Crunching of leaves sounded behind our bush. Someone grabbed my ankles. I gasped, "Ahhh! Let go of me! Let go of me! You freak!" I felt a blade pushing into my leg, "Owww!"

"Let go of her, you idiot." Nico yelled.

He rolled out of the bush. And the pain from my leg escaped almost immediately. I jumped out… with my knife in hand. The second I got out a fighting frenzy broke out. "Ah" some one grabbed my arm, knocked me to the ground. Whoever did that sent two nasty kicks to my rib. The pain gave me adrenaline. I jumped up knife in my hand. The attacker- an older looking man- punched at me, I ducked just in time. Tristan ran over to me, his attacker was on the ground… dead.

"Need help?" Tristan asked. He grabbed the man and pinned him to the tree. The sickly looking man gave him a few good kicks in the groin. Tristan fell to the ground in a ball.

"Don't you dare hurt my twin brother!" I lunged at the man, he clearly wasn't expecting that. I stabbed the man in the gut, as hard as I could. I looked away. I had to kill him to survive! The man choked up blood and in the same second he grew silent.

"Tristan? Are you okay?" I asked. "Wait, are you crying?"

"Yes I am Tess, he kicked me in the pretty spot. Look out!"

I spun around just in time to duck out of the way of a crazy young girl. She had hunger in her eyes. She jumped on top of me without a second to spare. The air escaped from my lungs. She punched me five times in the face. Pain shot through me like lighting. I could taste the blood. It was my turn. I kicked as hard as I could! My attacker shrieked and flew off me. "I I I a mmmm hungry-h-h-h-hungry!" She started flailing and kicking at any part of me that she could, hit me twice. I looked down and slashed with my knife. All of a sudden she stopped fighting and ran away screaming into the forest.

"That was weird." I said to myself.

I scanned our mini war. Tristan was handling a little girl and two buff looking guys. Gabbi was having a fist fight with two girls about her age. While Nico was pinned to the ground by a fat guy. WE were never going to win. And Sick Man sat in a tree watching us.

Out of the blue, a noise I hadn't heard in years blasted near us. And Sick Man fell from his perch. Bleeding. Dying. Everyone seemed to freeze. Two more blasts rose. Nico's attacker crumbled on the ground next to him. One of the buff guys seemed to get the idea, "Run!" They all vanished into the woods.

"Who's there?" I called out. I had heard a sound on the other side.

A brunette stepped out of the woods. She was holding a gun! She blew across the tip of the barrel, as if bragging about her weapon. Then a pure white wolf- no a dog emerged from behind her.

"Please don't hurt us!" Tristan said pleadingly. He and Gabbi got on their knees as if begging. The brunette didn't look sick.

She then spoke, "The name's Eliza. You all can thank me later."

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

My Forensics Piece (cont.)

I have my first forensics competition of the year this Saturday. I am so excited! It is the state competition. Just to let you all know: I did NOT write it. 
This is how it goes.

(Sigh of longing)
Dad's Coming home today.

The last letter that he wrote to me said

(In dad's voice)
Dear Beautiful Daughter of Mine,
I love you and I miss you. You are the best daughter in the world! And soon, I will get to hug you in my own arms- (sigh)Yes, General Rogers. Can you give me a moment. Where was I? Ah, yes. I don't know if mommy told you, but I am coming home in 29 days. And when I get home I am going to give you the biggest hug in the whole wide world. I don't know if you remember our last hug, but, this one is going to be a bazillion times bigger. Then after our hug, I want you to tell me, face-to-face, everything that I have missed over these last 7 years.
So, make a list.
For real this time,
Love you,

Growing up without a parent around can be a hard adjustment for any child. However, the adjustment to a parent returning from the service can be just as difficult. Abigail has lived most of her childhood whiteout her father. Dealing with abandonment, pride, longing, love, and hope. Abigail must decide how to cope with the possible return of her father in "Dad's Coming Home" by Joele Denis.

And then under that it says "P. S." and next to that there is a stick drawing of me and him holding hands. Sometimes, I think daddy forgets I'm not 6 years old anymore.  But I do remember our last hug though. In fact I remember everything about that day, but I have a really good memory so I usually remember everything about every day. Mom says I have a perfect image - something - it basically that I am really smart.

Ummmm… So. That day.

I didn't know what was going on, but I knew something was. Because I woke up to the sound of mom and dad fighting, and mom and dad never fought. Ever.

So I got out of bed and walked over to the door- which was already open, because I'm afraid, (half whispers) I used to be afraid of the dark. By the time I got from my bed to the doorway the fighting got even louder, but I couldn't see anything. So I remember walking out of the room and into the hallway… and thinking that the lights were really bright and I could see mom and dad's shadows. And it was weird because mom and dad were fighting, but their shadows showed mom and dad hugging. People don't hug each other when they are fighting… Right? That's just weird.

Anyway dad's coming home and I'm really, I'm really… I don't know what I am. I'm happy. I'm excited. I'm eager. But I'm also nervous… I am scared. I'm petrified.

Well- it's not that I am scared of my dad or anything. It's just that I haven't seen him since I was six. That was like forever ago. I have changed a lot since then. But he has probably changed a lot more than me. Which is weird.

That is the first 2 pages of my piece. I memorized the whole thing, in case you didn't know. ;)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

My Forensics Piece

I was performing my forensics piece today along with Megan and Vivian at the showcase. Just to let you all know I did NOT write it. 
This is how it goes.

(Sigh of longing)
Dad's Coming home today.

The last letter that he wrote to me said

(In dad's voice)
Dear Beautiful Daughter of Mine,
I love you and I miss you. You are the best daughter in the world! And soon, I will get to hug you in my own arms- (sigh)Yes, General Rogers. Can you give me a moment. Where was I? Ah, yes. I don't know if mommy told you, but I am coming home in 29 days. And when I get home I am going to give you the biggest hug in the whole wide world. I don't know if you remember our last hug, but, this one is going to be a bazillion times bigger. Then after our hug, I want you to tell me, face-to-face, everything that I have missed over these last 7 years.
So, make a list.
For real this time,
Love you,

Growing up without a parent around can be a hard adjustment for any child. However, the adjustment to a parent returning from the service can be just as difficult. Abigail has lived most of her childhood whiteout her father. Dealing with abandonment, pride, longing, love, and hope. Abigail must decide how to cope with the possible return of her father in "Dad's Coming Home" by Joele Denis.

That is the first page of my piece. I memorized the whole thing, in case you didn't know. ;)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Locked (Chapter 2)

Chapter 2 - The Change of Plans

"Tess! Your breakfast won't run away from you." Nico says. Ugh, Nico and his manners!
"Whoopsy, Nico. We might as well be dining with the queen." I throw every ounce of sarcasm into my words.
"You guy do realize that this meal might be our last meal?" asks Tristan. I don't answer his question. Gabbi clears her throat, "Okay, enough chit-chat time. So, umm…. Ya. After I made breakfast I sort of drew a blueprint." I raise my eye-brows, "Drew a blueprint?"
"Hey! It's not that simple!" Gabbi clears the leaves of the forest floor away, so that the dirt is visible. She draws a rectangle with her finger, "That is New York City." She now draws an 'X', "We are here- a forest on the outskirts of the city." Now three lines coming from the rectangle, "We have all concluded that the Chilled people are starting to head into the woods in search of… food and flesh. We can all prove that with personal experience. Right?" I shiver. Memories! Gabbi draws some circles to the left, "That is the un-inhabited forest. We need do go-" Tristan interrupts, "But, isn't that where some villages have started to sprout up." Gabbi starts to look unsure, "Yes villages are there, but those are healthy seeking refuge." I get it now! "So we need to go Southwest. Head for the Carolinas?" She nods, "Exactly! And what better time to start packing than now?"
"Oh, there is no time like the present!"
"Should we take everything?"
We all stand up. The lack of sleep is obvious in our groggy motions. "Did you hear that?" Nico half-whispers. "Hear what?" I ask.
"From down the hill… Sort of like a yell- no, not a yell. Hollering. Catcalls." An wary silence spreads across our camp. Almost… scary.
"I can hear it, too." I say.
Tristan and Gabbi exchange a glance. "Then we'd better start packing. Fast."
Gabbi smiles hauntingly, "Or we might have some nice Chilled friends to deal with later on."
I rush to my blanket. I grab my bag. I can barely think! The sound is getting louder! Okay… in goes my knifes, my blanket, first-aid kit, canteen, and then the rest. A twig snaps behind us. I spin around. "What was that?" my voice is quivering with fear! "Better deal with it now." says Nico, "It might be a squirrel." I am screaming in my mind, 'We have our bags packed Nico, just run… too late." An insane laughter fills the trees. It's hard to see in the light of dawn. A shadow moves behind that thick oak. "Nico don't!" We yell. Too. Late.

A ragged, torn, beaten, hungry, disgusting, sick, Chilled man steps out. "He has a knife, you guys." I say. I am so scared that i am practically laughing. "Hel-l-llllo-oooo fr-rr-r-r-r-iends." He pauses dramatically, and his head tics with insanity. "Weeeee-eee m-m-missss-ssssed you in the city." Our little group of four doesn't even have a signal for when to run away. After so, so many incidents, we just… know when to… GO!!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

My Thanksgiving Poem

I am thankful for animals. They bring joy and love to our world.
I am thankful for technology. It enables us to learn and have fun.
I am thankful for Ivivva. Clothes expresses yourself.

(Places you go)
I am thankful for Europe. It is my favorite place to travel. 
I am thankful for my house. It my cave of security.
I am thankful for the Great Lakes. It is where we live. 

I am thankful for my family. They love me so much.
I am thankful for my friends. They are the people that keep me company.
I am thankful for my sister. She is the best companion to life I could ever ask for.

I am most thankful for my life.
Everything and everyone in it is all that matters.

Why did I write this poem?
I wrote this poem because all of the things are near and dear to my heart or a very important part of my life. I mentioned technology because just a few years earlier, even typing on this blog would have been un heard of. Don't you think we are blessed to even wear clothing at all? I LOVE animals, without them, my life would be  miserable!
The places that I go are very important, too. Europe is where I am from, of course I should show some respect to my heritage. Any way, I wrote the people that I did because, well, all I need is my family. And would life be any fun without friends?

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Locked (Chapter 1 cont.)

Chapter 1 - Memories (cont.)

"Run, Tess! Run!" Tristan screamed. I just manage to scramble away as one of once majestic buildings of New York started to fall apart. CRASH! The debris scatter around me, it made my heart skip a beat.
"The infected are terrorizing the healthy." I say, looking up.
Tristan nods, "Oh no! We have company. Look!"
I whip around to see a dozen Chill infected people lumber towards us. I feel like I am about to throw up. I thought we were safe, but no. The infected twitch and jerk with the sickness. They snarl at us. Laugh. Taunt. Kill the healthy.
"Weee j-j-just want t-to see-ee your prrrrrretty little faces," said- more like coughed- the one at the front.
He was a man about our age. Their hair was ripped out. Scars ran through their bodies like rivers. And blood was everywhere.  I couldn't bare to look at any more Chilled people!
"C-come closer. We won't h-huurt you! Come closer… Closer. Closer… Closer…" All twelve were chanting, they started to walk toward us. I didn't realize that I was clenching my knife by my side with fear. I have had enough! "Tristan, I think it is a good time to RUN!" I sprinted away without waiting for an answer. I was way faster than Tristan, but he could last longer. I was heaving for breaths. The pitter-patter of their footsteps was close behind. I was so terrified, I could hear the blood pulsing through my ears. "They're gaining on us!" I ran like the wind. The two of us ran through alleys, past abounded cars, past… bodies. My heart rate was quickening. Fear! They are right behind us! More fear! I am soooo tired. Help! Fear! I froze.
"Tess! Are you okay!" Tristan asked.
"Um, yes!"
"We lost them. You did realize that? Right?"
Suddenly for no reason at all I started to cry. My knees buckled under me, I put my head in my lap. As soon as Tristan put is arm around me, I started to bawl. I sobbed, "Everything... has been horrible, Tristan… Ever since the… government released that stupid... virus!" I sniffle. "Shhhh. It's okay Tess. Everything is going to be fine." He smiles " If you survived your freshman year in High School… We can make it through a world of lunatics." He knows how to make me feel better. "Thank you." I whisper." I think to myself doughtfully, 'I am petrified. Oh… some one please help me."
I bolted awake. Tristan is on his knees next to me. Nico and Gabbi are sound a sleep. Soft muffled noises are coming from Nico. "Tess, you were screaming in your sleep. What happened?"
"Nothing." I said. i was still breathing hard.
Tristan looked at me as if i had said the most unbelievable thing in the world. "Really?" he raised his eyebrows at me and cocked his head.
"Tristan, you are the best twin brother in the whole world. Oh… and I was just having a bad dream."
"Gosh, you've got to stop having those."
I stare at the ground, "I hate memories."
Tristan just chuckles and shakes his head. He seems much more mature than me even though I am 4 minutes older than him. I pretend not to notice.
"What's for breakfast?" Gabbi asks as she rises from her blanket. She stretches her arms out like she is yawning. "Hmmm," Gabbi has a smirk across her face.
"Uh-oh, I don't like the look of this." I say sarcastically. Even smarty-pants Tristan turns around to see this phenomenon. Gabbi makes a "Shh" symbol with her finger then she gets on her hands and knees, crawling to Nicos blanket. Nico has a habit of smiling when he sleeps- if it is a good dream, at least. Gabbi slowly rises then jumps on top of him! "The Chilled are attacking us! Grrrr!"
"Ahhhh" Nico screams like a girl. He jumps up and runs away from her. Tristan snickers, while I full-out laugh. "Hey! Gabs, Why did you wake me up like that?!" She shrugs innocently. "That's what you get for sleeping in," she says to him. I sigh, "Today… is going to be a good day."
"I couldn't have agreed more!"

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Locked (Chapter 1)

Chapter 1 - Memories

"Run, Tess! Run!" Tristan screamed. I just managed to scramble away as one of once majestic buildings of New York started to fall apart. CRASH! The debris scattered around me, it made my heart skipp a beat.
"The infected are terrorizing the healthy." I said, looking up.
Tristan nodded, "Oh no! We have company. Look!"
I whipped around to see a dozen Chill infected people lumbering towards us. I felt like I was about to throw up. I thought we were safe, but no. The incepted twitched and jerked with the sickness. They snarled at us. Laughed. Taunted. Killed the healthy.
"Weee j-j-just want t-to see-ee your prrrrrretty little faces," said- more like coughed- the one at the front.
He was a man about our age. Their hair was ripped out. Scars ran through their bodies like rivers. And blood was everywhere.  I couldn't bare to look at any more Chilled people!
"C-come closer. We won't h-huurt you! Come closer… Closer. Closer… Closer…" All twelve were chanting, they started to walk toward us. I didn't realize that I was clenching my knife by my side with fear. I have had enough! "Tristan, I think it is a good time to RUN!" I sprinted away without waiting for an answer. I was way faster than Tristan, but he could last longer. I was heaving for breaths. The pitter-patter of their footsteps was close behind. I was so terrified, I could hear the blood pulsing through my ears. "They're gaining on us!" I ran like the wind. The two of us ran through alleys, past abounded cars, past… bodies. My heart rate was quickening. Fear! They are right behind us! More fear! I am soooo tired. Help! Fear! I froze.
"Tess! Are you okay!" Tristan asked.
"Um, yes!"
"We lost them. You did realize that? Right?"
Suddenly for no reason at all I started to cry. My knees buckled under me, I put my head in my lap. As soon as Tristan put is arm around me, I started to bawl. I sobbed, "Everything... has been horrible, Tristan… Ever since the… government realized that stupid... virus!" I sniffled. "Shhhh. It's okay Tess. Everything is going to be fine." He smiled " If you survived your freshman year in High School… We can make it through a world of lunatics." He knew how to make me feel better. "Thank you." I whispered." I thought to myself doughtfully, 'I am petrified. Oh… some one please help me."

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Board Meeting

Outside in the all we were silent. I could here the announcer speaking about about about our project. All I could make out was, "… a group of student… learning experience… character we should be taking example from…" But the message was clear.  Mrs Nast waved us over. We walked in single file into spacious room with a high triangular ceiling. All of the board members were staring at us, smiling. I couldn't help but smile back. We just gave the highlights of our presentation. Most people didn't get to talk. I could tell that the members were very pleased with us. We left knowing that we have changed the community around us. And that character does indeed ripple. We are just kids. We can make a difference in the world.

Monday, November 17, 2014


Fiction -  I am going to write a fiction story starting now...


My name is Tess. I am 16 years old… I already have to struggle and fight to save my own life. I used to live a normal life, like any kids would. Go to school. Have friends. Talk with ordinary girls.  But, that was 1 year ago. Ever since the virus called the "Chill" spread people have had to run, run, run. And never stop running in order to stay alive.

The Chill is deadly. It spreads like a wildfire. The only way to not catch the Chill is to run like you have never ran before. The Chill turns you into a murderous person. It takes effect on the emotional part of your brain and you become this man-eating lunatic that only wants to live...

My only true companions are my twin brother Tristan, 19 year old Gabbi and 15 year old Nico. We picked them up in the tunnels of New York- where we used to live. We managed to survive together. One thing that we learned is to trust no one- unless your life depends on it, as ours did.

To live to the next day we had to sacrifice many things such as our freedom and safety. Included we have to handle weapons. The worst part is that we have to use them. Our little group of four will get to the so called "heaven". We can. We will.

Character Files:

Main Characters

  • Example: Name - Age - Place in Group - Hair Color - Birth Place

  • Tess - 16 yrs old - Knife Handler and "the Brain" - Blonde - New York

  • Tristan - 16 yrs old - Leader - Dirty Blonde - Germany

  • Gabbi - 19 yrs old - Thief and Food Manager - Black - Hawaii

  • Nico - 15 yrs old - Head Runner -  Wash Water Brown - Michigan

Other Characters
  • Lola - 13 yrs old - Cross bow shooter and Crafter - Red Head - Canada

  • Eliza - 17 yrs old - Shooter - Brown - New York

  • Rex - 9 yrs old - Spy and Healer - Brown with lighter streaks - Ohio

  • Sergeant - 24 yrs old - Guard and Strategy Planner-  Dark Burgundy - Mexico

  • Snowball - A 3 year old pure white husky - New York

Published Piece

The sky was an icy blue. Not a cloud to be seen. It was a perfect day to be on the beach. The waves crashed against the jagged cliffs of Portugal's West side. The rock formations cast gentle shadows across the pure white sand. The soft rush of the tides made the atmosphere of the beach…Perfect.

It was a typical Friday in the humble country-side of Portugal. I glanced to my left. My sister jumped up when the tide reached her toes, "Eeek!"she squealed with delight. She looked like she was having the time of her life!
"Hey, Maja! Do you wanna run down to the other side of the beach?"
She stopped digging in the sand and looked up, "Mmm-hmm, I'll race you."
I knew she just wanted to have fun. I thought to myself, 'And I am sure to win!' We lined up along the beach.
"Go!" I yelled over the roar of the ocean. We ran like the wind. The breeze  caught against my hair and buffeted it to a lion's mane. Wind! Our feet left soft prints in the pale sand. I was many strides ahead of Maja.The happiness rushed through my toes to my head. But, all that mattered was having fun.
"Wait for me, Ania!" Maja yelled out.
I stopped running. Once we got to the other side, we were both heaving for breaths. The beach over here was scattered with polished rocks from the size of a penny to the size of a small car. Shiny stones. Jagged rocks. Dull pebbles.
"It looks like those boulders fell from the cliff." I said, without looking up.
She nodded, "Let's we find some cool stones."
I was already doing that. The stones glistened like gems in the crystal waters.

Our parents were far away from us. My sister and I were alone on the other side of Portugal's prettiest beach. All we had to comfort us was the call of the birds and purring of the water.
"Hey, look at this one." Maja said.
She was holding up a stone that that looked a leopard's pelt.
"Cool." I said, without making eye-contact.
"Can we stay here longer?"
I sighed, "As long as we don't stay here forever."

'Why do little kids want more of everything they like?' I wondered. 

As the sun inched towards the horizon, it became time to come home. Home to the villa.
Our parents called for us, "Kids! Time to go!" 
"Awww," we said. The day went by. We had the best time at the beach! I couldn't have asked for a better day. We spent two more days in Portugal after that. But, because of this trip, I think that the most important part of life is to travel often. Travel. For fun.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Cold Day at Home

I woke up with a chill. My bedroom was usually colder than the rest of the house (I like it that way) but today it seemed especially cold. I trudged down the stairs to see what was going on. Even colder down here. My dad was in the kitchen. He knew I sensed the cold, "When I woke up in the basement I was 2 degrees away from being an icicle." I laughed. "Is the heater on?" As if on cue, my mom came in, "The heater isn't on!" So we went down stairs to turn it back on. In no time at all, our house was nice and cozy again. But, all throughout the day we had the question, 'Who turned it off?' Probably my dad when he was trying to turn the heat up.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

List of Songs.

Here is a list of songs that I can name in 2 minutes

  1. All About That bass
  2. Problem
  3. Shake It Off
  4. Rude
  5. Heart Attack
  6. Red
  7. Chandelier
  8. Talk Dirty To Me
  9. Counting Stars
  10. Maps
  11. Rip Tide
  12. Fancy
  13. Lights
  14. Boom Clap
  15. Human
  16. Applause 
  17. Bang Bang
  18. Roar
  19. This Girl is on Fire
  20. Let It Go
  21. Break free
  22. Black Widow
  23. Husband
  24. Macarena 
  25. Dark Horse
  26. Bad Romance
  27. Wrecking Ball

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Millennium Falcons

Out in a far, far away galaxy there lives a team like no other. They have the team spirit. The hope. Pride. Confidence. They are very… not human. They care about their world. Of course they have all of the blasters and space lasers needed to complete their task. But, they have the courage to sacrifice themselves to protect their flock against all intergalactic evil. They are…  The Millennium Falcons. A squad with up most intelligence. There are twelve of them. Each knows what to do when in a bad situation. But why? Because they care.
The sky was an icy blue. Not a cloud to be seen. It was a perfect day to be on the beach. The waves crashed against the jagged cliffs of Portugal's West side. The rock formations cast gentle shadows across the pure white sand. The soft rush of the tides made the atmosphere of the beach…Perfect.

It was a typical Friday in the humble country-side of Portugal. I glanced to my left. My sister jumped up when the tide reached her toes, "Eeek!"she squealed with delight. She looked like she was having the time of her life!
"Hey, Maja! Do you wanna run down to the other side of the beach?"
She stopped digging in the sand and looked up, "Mmm-hmm, I'll race you."

I knew she just wanted to have fun. I thought to myself, 'And I am sure to win!' We lined up along the beach. 
"Go!" I yelled over the roar of the ocean. We ran like the wind. The breeze  caught against my hair and buffeted it to a lion's mane. Wind! Our feet left soft prints in the pale sand. I was many strides ahead of Maja.The happiness rushed through my toes to my head. But, all that mattered was having fun.
"Wait for me, Ania!" Maja yelled out. 
I stopped running. Once we got to the other side, we were both heaving for breaths. The beach over here was scattered with polished rocks from the size of a penny to the size of a small car. Shiny stones. Jagged rocks. Dull pebbles.
"It looks like those boulders fell from the cliff." I said, without looking up.
She nodded, "Let's we find some cool stones."
I was already doing that. The stones glistened like gems in the crystal waters. 

Our parents were far away from us. My sister and I were alone on the other side of Portugal's prettiest beach. All we had to comfort us was the call of the birds and purring of the water.
"Hey, look at this one." Maja said.
She was holding up a stone that that looked a leopard's pelt. 
"Cool." I said, without making eye-contact.
"Can we stay here longer?"
I sighed, "As long as we don't stay here forever."

'Why do little kids want more of everything they like?' I wondered. 

As the sun inched towards the horizon, it became time to come home. Home to the villa.
Our parents called for us, "Kids! Time to go!" 
"Awww," we said. The day went by. We had the best time at the beach! I couldn't have asked for a better day. We spent two more days in Portugal after that. But, because of this trip, I think that the most important part of life is to travel often. Travel. For fun.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

It was a dark and stormy night...

It was a dark and stormy night. The trees loomed over the path that lay ahead of little red riding hood. The ominous cawing of the ravens and whoo-ing of the owls sounded of the distance. Every once in a while there would be a "Aaah-woooooooooh!" A wolf's cry! Little red riding hood sped up. Now sprinting through the woods. The path winded ahead of her. The red cloak that she wore was now torn into shreds from the sharp thorns. Faster! Something was behind her! Little red riding hood whipped around and saw her pursuer… The big. Bad. Wolf! She had to make it to her grandma's before the sun went down. Her face was red. She was out of breath. The chills and scares of the night were so, so close. She was at the end of her rope. Suddenly, she felt a burst of adrenaline when she saw her grandma's house on the brow of the hill. Little red riding hood was so close! The big, bad wolf was, too. "Grandma!" she yelled.  Her grandma thrust open the door just in time for her to squeeze in. When they shut it they heard  a loud THUMP! against the door. The big, bad wolf was gone. Little red riding hood was safe. She was lucky… this time.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Wings of Heart

Caterpillars get wings
They fly away from their worries
But, they go through a transformation
We, too, can give others wings, to fly, fly, fly away from our hardships
With wings come a price to pay
You must work for your flight of your life
Caterpillars have their woes
Meanwhile people have their foes
We alike, two species, have our trouble that will fly away… with wings of light, love, and happiness

Beaches Editing

Yellow - Thought
Bright Green - Action
Turquoise - Dialogue
Pink - Description
No Color - Narration

The sky was an icy blue. Not a cloud to be seen. It was a perfect day to be on the beach. The waves crashed against the jagged cliffs of Portugal's West side. The rock formations cast gentle shadows across the pure white sand. The soft rush of the tides made the atmosphere of the beach… Perfect.

It was a typical Friday in the humble country-side of Portugal. I glanced to my left. My sister jumped up when the tide reached her toes, "Eeek!" she squealed with delight. She looked like she was having the time of her life!
"Hey, Maja! Do you wanna run down to the other side of the beach?" 
She stopped digging in the sand and looked up, "Yes, I'll race you."

I knew she just wanted to have fun. I thought to myself, 'And I am sure to win!' We lined up along the beach. 
"Go!" I yelled over the roar of the ocean. We ran like the wind. The breeze  caught against my hair and buffeted it to a lion's mane. Wind! Our feet left soft prints in the pale sand. I was many strides ahead of Maja. The happiness rushed through my toes to my head. But, all that mattered was having fun.
"Wait for me, Ania!" Maja yelled out. 
I stopped running. Once we got to the other side, we were both heaving for breaths. The beach over here was scattered with polished rocks from the size of a penny to the size of a small car. Shiny stones. Jagged rocks. Dull pebbles.
"It looks like those boulders fell from the cliff." I said, without looking up.
She nodded, "Let's we find some cool stones."
I was already doing that. The stones glistened like gems in the crystal waters. 

Our parents were far away from us. My sister and I were alone on the other side of Portugal's prettiest beach. All we had to comfort us was the call of the birds and purring of the water.
"Hey look at this stone." Maja said.
She was holding up a stone that that looked a leopard's pelt. 
"Cool." I said, without making eye-contact.
"Can we stay here longer?"
I sighed, "As long as we don't stay here forever."
'Why do little kids want more of everything they like?' I wondered.

Friday, November 7, 2014

In Chicago

"Welcome to the Hyatt Regency!" Just yesterday we had  arrived to Chicago after a four hour car ride.

Today we had a leisurely wake up since mom had to attend a conference. Then we walked all over Chicago. The architecture was so, so cool. There are pristine edges of modern buildings, and abstract curves. Also, the exquisite carvings in Renaissance style buildings. After we explored the buildings, we went to the Field museum. Here are some of the things we saw:

We watched a 3D movie on chipmunks preparing for the winter.

We saw the legendary Sue the T-Rex.

We went to a voodoo exhibit

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


The sky was an icy blue. Not a cloud to be seen. It was a perfect day to be on the beach. The waves crashed against the jagged cliffs of Portugal's West side. The rock formations cast gentle shadows across the pure white sand. The soft rush of the tides made the atmosphere of the beach… Perfect.

It was a typical Friday in the humble country-side of Portugal. I glanced to my left. My sister jumped up when the tide reached her toes, "Eeek!" she squealed with delight. She looked like she was having the time of her life!
"Hey, Maja! Do you wanna run down to the other side of the beach?" 
She stopped digging in the sand and looked up, "Yes, I'll race you."
I knew she just wanted to have fun. I thought to myself, 'And I am sure to win!' We lined up along the beach. 
"Go!" I yelled over the roar of the ocean. We ran like the wind. The breeze  caught against my hair and buffeted it to a lion's mane. Wind! Our feet left soft prints in the pale sand. I was many strides ahead of Maja. The happiness rushed through my toes to my head. But, all that mattered was having fun.

"Wait for me, Ania!" Maja yelled out. 
I stopped running. Once we got to the other side, we were both heaving for breaths. The beach over here was scattered with polished rocks from the size of a penny to the size of a small car. Polished stones. Jagged rocks. Dull pebbles.
"It looks like those boulders fell from the cliff." I said, without looking up.
She nodded, "Let's we find some cool stones."
I was already doing that. The stones glistened like gems in the crystal waters. 

Our parents were far away from us. My sister and I were alone on the other side of Portugal's prettiest beach. All we had to comfort us was the call of the birds and purring of the water.
"Hey look at this stone." Maja said.
She was holding up a stone that that looked a leopard's pelt. 
"Cool." I said, without making eye-contact.

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Leaves of Laughter

"I have an idea," I began to say to my sister, "let's make a leaf pile," My sister chipped in, "To jump into; right?"
"Yes, Maja, of course." I answered.
I looked around at our lawn scattered with leaves. It was sort of an Autumn rainbow. I began to rake vigorously in the part of our lawn that had the most leaves. I think I might have scraped that rake across our lawn at least a thousand times! Meanwhile my sister gingerly took handfuls of leaves and brought them to our browning mountain.
"I think we are almost done." I said, then I let out a sigh.
"No, its not as tall as me yet." Maja answered.
So we continued to rake, scoop, kick and pluck, and push the leaves into our pile. The sky was darkening rapidly.
"I think it is time to jump in." Our mom called out from the other side of the lawn.
"Okay, let's start here," I drew an invisible line on the road, "then we will run and leap into the pile. Kapeesh?"
"Got it," she looked at me with a glow of joy in her eye. "1, 2, 3, Go!"
I sprang of of my back foot. I sprinted like torpedo and landed square in the pile of leaves. A thump next to me told me that my sister had jumped in, too. A rain of leaves came down on us. I looked at her, "Let's do it again!"

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Washington DC Trip

Today I just got back from our class trip to Washington DC for Project COPE. We had so much fun there! I can't wait to write some about some of the things that we did there. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to post a travel blog because i don't bring my computer and there wasn't time to do any homework. I also hope to post some pictures on what we did. I even saw the original constitution and Declaration of Independence. When we weren't at the character conference we had free time to go anywhere in DC..

Some people felt bad for us because we didn't get a Halloween. But, I feel bad for them. How often do you get to spend Halloween in the capitol? Anyway, at the conference just about every station had candy or chocolate for people to take. And we got candy it  goody-bags in the end, to. Also we got a nighttime tour of the city. I could't have asked for a better trip!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


 word count goal - 150

The sky was an icy blue, not a cloud to be seen. It was a perfect day to be on the beach. The waves crashed against the jagged cliffs of Portugal's West side. The rock formations cast gentle shadows across the pure white sand. The soft rush of the tides made the atmosphere of the beach… perfect.

It was a typical Friday in the humble country-side of Portugal. I glanced to my left. My sister jumped up when the tide reached her toes, "Eeek!" she squealed with delight. She looked like she was having the time of her life!
"Hey, Maja! Do you wanna run down to the other side of the beach?" 
She stopped digging in the sand and looked up, "Yes, I'll race you."
I knew she just wanted to have fun. I thought to myself, 'And I am sure to win!' We lined up along the beach. 
"Go!" I yelled over the roar of the ocean. We ran like the wind. The breeze  caught against my hair and buffeted it to a lion's mane. Our feet left soft prints in the pale sand. I was many strides ahead of Maja. The happiness rushed through my toes to my head. But, all that mattered was having fun.

"Wait for me, Ania!" Maja yelled out. 
I stopped running. Once we got to the other side, we were both heaving for breaths. The beach over here was scattered with polished rocks from the size of a penny to the size of a small car. 
"It looks like those boulders fell from the cliff." I said, without looking up.
She nodded, "Let's we find some cool stones."
I was already doing that. The stones glistened like gems in the crystal waters. 

Our parents were far away from us. My sister and I were alone on the other side of Portugal's prettiest beach. All we had to comfort us was the call of the birds and purring of the water.
"Hey look at this stone." Maja said.
She was holding up a stone that that looked a leopard's pelt. 
"Cool." I said, without making eye-contact. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Penguin's Courage

There once was a emperor penguin, smaller than the rest. The penguins name was Pingu. This little penguin was shy, quiet, teased. But, he had a great imagination and was very smart, too. Pingu had dreams of great successes in his future life, he didn't have the confidence to tell anyone else, though. Pingu was always the "runt" in his group of one-thousand penguins, he deserved better! Then one day a great crisis  fell across Pingu's group: the type of fish they eat was gone. All of the smarty-pants penguins were squawking the most ridiculous solutions like: "Let's just all die.", "We can eat seals" or "We can swim away. But, Pingu had a great idea. He needed to find the courage to say it otherwise they might all die. He found the courage. Pingu stepped onto the tallest block of snow and cleared his beaked. "Umm… I am Pingu." He said shyly.
"Speak up!" one of the taller penguins called out.
"Okay, so, well I thought that maybe we could send out a search party into the ocean in search of a new source of food…" The group of penguins broke into a huge tangle of argument, "Yes," "No." Finally they all agreed to do it. Pingu saved them. And then his group lived happily ever after and Pingu had achieved his lifelong dream.

What do you think the moral of the story is?

Monday, October 27, 2014


I was doing my homework at the kitchen table. I just had five math problems left. I was speeding up to get it done.
My sister- Maja, asked, "When are we going to eat? You said we would eat in five minutes."
I could tell that she was whining. I was hungry, but, I just wanted to get my home work done then go outside and play. DING-DONG! The doorbell! WHo would be ringing the doorbell at 6 o'clock at night.
And almost as if she had read  my mind, Maja asked , "Who's that?"
I didn't answer her. Suddenly I knew the answer… ghosters. Incase you didn't know ghosters are people (usually your friends) that come to your house late at night around Halloween. Then, they ring the doorbell and then run, not to be seen. Ghosters leave treats at your door.
Anyway, I bolted up from the table and to the from door. It opened with a familiar CREAK! I looked down and there was a paper bag with candy inside that said "Boo!" on its side. We had been ghosted.


 word count goal - 200

The sky was an icy blue, not a cloud to be seen. The waves crashed against the jagged cliffs of Portugal's West side. The rock formations cast gentle shadows across the pure white sand. The soft rush of the tides made the atmosphere of the beach… perfect.

It was a typical Friday in the humble country-side of Portugal. I glanced to my left. My sister jumped and when the tide reached her toes, "Eeek!" she squealed with delight. 
"Hey, Maja! Do you wanna run down to the other side of the beach?" 
She stopped digging in the sand and looked up, "Yes, I'll race you."
I knew she just wanted to have fun. I thought to myself, 'And I am sure to win!' 
"Go!" I yelled over the roar of the ocean. We ran like the wind. The breeze caught my hair and buffeted it to a lion's mane. Our feet left soft prints in the pale sand. I was many strides ahead of Maja. But, all that mattered was having fun.

Once we got to the other side, we were both heaving for breaths. The beach was scattered with huge polished rocks. 
"It looks like those boulders fell from the cliff." I said, without looking up.
She nodded, "Let's we find some stones in the water."
I was already doing that. The stones glistened like gems in the crystal waters.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Word count goal - 100

The sky was an icy blue, not a cloud to be seen. The waves crashed against the jagged cliffs of Portugal's West side. The rock formations cast gentle shadows across the pure white sand.

(By the way, I am still building on the ideas for the story)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

"Bored" Games

There I was sitting in my bedroom. I had finished all of my homework. SO BORED! I didn't know what to do for the rest of the day! I didn't wan't to waste my time doing nothing. I plopped down onto my window seat. I gazed across my room from one shelf to the other. "Aha!!" I knew what to do: I would play a good, old, classic board game! I opened up the cabinet with a CREAK. I said out loud, "I will play 'Operation'." But, thing the is that I would be playing solo or alone… which would be twice the fun; because no one can catch me if a sneak a little cheat in! After that I was no longer bored.