Wednesday, March 26, 2014

AHW Fable

Short fable about a moth.

"Oh, moth you are so ugly, plain, dull, and worthless!", all of the butterflies would tell the little moth who tried to hard to be noticed. The other moths would tell her, "Moth, you are also special, but in your own way, so don't push the butterflies. Here in the bug world the butterflies were the boss and the moths were nothing. All of the bugs were jealous of the butterflies' beauty, fame, and purpose in life. But the little moth who's name was Floss thought differently. One day there was a big storm - all of the flowers crushed bugs killed and worse. They were left to suffer through the night. All of the bugs turned to the butterflies for help, but they were helpless. None of the moths dared to speak, besides Floss. Floss flew up to the top of the branch thinking, 'envy moths we have night vision, super senses, great protection, flight, our own beauty and experience of night patrolling'. "Listen everybug," she began and they all turned to her. "My should we listen to you!", one of the butterflies called out. "I am here to help you - moths are powerful nocturnal insects, we will guide you. The ensemble reluctantly followed Floss. She led them through new valleys, rivers, fields of flowers, all at the center of the night.  Finally they arrived at their new home. "Hip, hip, hooray! For Floss and the moths." They all called out even the butterflies. Floss saved them.
   From that day and on the bugs never grew jealous of each other and all creatures had a say. They all lived happily ever after.

Don't envy others. You are yourself and you are special in your own way. And that own way can actually be more important than you think.

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