Monday, May 5, 2014



I know! This is the worst possible thing that can happen! Oh, I forgot to say: I bruised my finger's bone right before it was time to leave for a school trip to Williamsburg, VA. It was last Friday. This is how it happened:

"Ania, may you get the chap-stick for your bathroom bag?," my mom said in a casual tone. Me not knowing what would happen next I replied, "Sure, it'll take a minute though." I walked to my bathroom and pulled out the drawer. There it was, my favorite tutti-frutti flavored kind. So, I grabbed it with my left hand, and since we were kind-of in a hurry I yanked the door a bit to fast and a bit too strongly. I happily strutted forward with a millisecond of time left when my right hand was still behind me, next to the wall...

Suddenly, SLAM! the door crushed my pointer finger about one hour before it was time to leave for the trip. I didn't know what to do! It took me 2 seconds to digest what had happened. My eyes swelled with tears, both hands shaking, I couldn't think, I couldn't feel my finger, and my chap-stick fell to the ground. "HELP ME, PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP ME!", I was saying the first thing that came to mind. What would you say if you just slammed your finger in your door unwillingly? The pain was so unbearable like 200 knives slicing into me and I felt like it was on fire, and really burning. "It hurts! Help! My finger is bleeding! I'm turning purple!" Within moments my mom rushed up with my sister close behind and soon after my grandparents (who were visiting). Indeed a stream of blood pooled on my finger and slowly dripped down to my palm. The side with the nail had a black line on it and my finger was turning purple. There I lay whimpering, crying, motionless besides my quivering hand.

"Get up! Put your hand in cold water!" Someone yelled to me. I was still in my room. Even though I was crying I managed to shove my finger in the freezing, cold water. "Ah, it still hurts!", I moaned, it felt as if a needle was poking itself all the way through. I couldn't tell who was speaking because my eyes were clouded and my and all I could hear was my heart pounding. But, I did hear someone say, "You are putting it in the cold water so it will numb, and so it won't swell up." I guess they were right - I didn't want to feel the pain and I didn't want it anymore purple than it was.

My sister came to me with a ice-pack, so I put it on the wound and whimpered to myself for the next 20  minutes, laying on my bed. "Let's rap your finger.", my mom soothed me. She took me to the same bathroom where it all happened and got an ace-rap, non-stick bleeding pad, and medical tape. Soon enough we had a make-shift finger cast going and we were ready to go.

I ended up having a good time in Williamsburg. Other kids were worse, for example: a boy broke their arm, and a girl broke their ankle, so m finger was not as bad as it seemed.
This is what my finger looks like, one week from that Friday:

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